Our film should be rated a '15' by the BBFC which is what we want as our audience is 15 - 30. Here are some of the things that can determine a film being rated 15 below.
We have since decided that that 15 - 30 is to broad of a demographic. We have decided to define our audience more in order to better cater to them and so we have changed this to 15 - 21. This is a much more defined age group and one we can relate to and an audience who like the genre of neo-noir. Our actors are also all around the age of 18 which would represent this age group.
•Strong violence
•Frequent strong
language (e.g. 'f***').
•Portrayals of
sexual activity
•Strong verbal
references to sex
•Sexual nudity
•Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal
references to sexual violence
•Discriminatory language
or behaviour
•Drug taking
Our film will likely contain strong violence, frequent strong language and drug taking (primarily alcohol) which will give the film a 15 rating.
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